Lesco Electricity Tariffs: Understanding the Cost of Power


In today’s world, electricity plays a vital role in our lives. It powers our homes, offices, and industries, enabling us to lead comfortable and productive lives. However, understanding electricity tariffs and how they affect our monthly bills can be challenging. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of Lesco Electricity Tariffs, shedding light on the intricacies of pricing and helping you make informed decisions about your energy consumption.

Lesco Electricity Tariffs Explained

What Are Electricity Tariffs?

Electricity tariffs refer to the rates charged for electricity consumption. These rates can vary depending on factors such as the amount of electricity used, the time of day, and the purpose of consumption (residential, commercial, or industrial). Lesco (Lahore Electric Supply Company) is responsible for supplying electricity to the Lahore region in Pakistan, and its tariffs reflect the cost of generating, transmitting, and distributing electricity to its customers.

How Are Lesco Electricity Tariffs Calculated?

Lesco determines its electricity tariffs through a structured process that considers various components. These components include the cost of power generation, transmission and distribution losses, administrative expenses, and regulatory charges. The tariffs are reviewed periodically to ensure they align with the overall costs and revenue requirements of the Lesco Bill.

Types of Lesco Electricity Tariffs

Lesco offers different tariff categories to cater to the diverse needs of its customers. These categories include:

  1. Residential Tariffs: Designed for households, these tariffs are based on the amount of electricity consumed within a given billing period.
  2. Commercial Tariffs: Tailored for commercial establishments, such as offices and shops, these tariffs consider factors such as the peak demand, power factor, and load profile of the consumer.
  3. Industrial Tariffs: Aimed at industrial consumers, these tariffs take into account the specific requirements and energy consumption patterns of factories and manufacturing units.
  4. Agricultural Tariffs: Geared towards farmers, these tariffs offer subsidized rates to encourage agricultural development and enhance productivity in the farming sector.

LESCO Peak & Off-Peak Hours

SeasonPeak TimingOff-Peak Timing
Dec to Feb5 PM to 9 PMRemaining 20 hours
Mar to May6 PM to 10 PM-do-
Jun to Aug7 PM to 11 PM-do-
Sep to Nov6 PM to 10 PM-do-

LESCO Electricity Unit Price

lesco bill sample Lesco Electricity Tariffs

Lesco electricity unit price for domestic users are as follow:

1st 100 units price = Rs – 12.90 / unit
After 100 units price = Rs – 13.54 / unit


A1 General Supply Tariff-Residential
Sr. No.Tariff Category/ParticularsFixed Charges Rs/KW/MUniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)Nepra Variable Charges Rs/kwhApplicable Variable Charges
Government Subsidy
Fixed Charges Rs/Kw/MVariable Charges Rs/Kw/M
a)For Sanctioned load less than 5 kW  
iUp to 50 Units4.00 4.0 2.0  2.0
 For Consumption exceeding 50 Units       
iiFor Sanctioned loads less than 5 kW13.85 12.09 5.79   6.3
iiia.101-200 Units 15.86 13.54 8.11  5.43
iiib.201-300 Units16.83 15.27 10.20  5.07
iv301-700 Units18.54 16.91 17.60  -0.69
vAbove 700 Units20.94 19.24 20.70  -1.46
b)For the first 100 Units        
   PeakOff-PeakPeakOff-PeakPeakOff-Peak PeakOff-Peak
 Time of Use19.3312.8018.8112.520.7014.38-1.89-1.88
As per Authority’s decision, residential consumers will be given the benefits of only one previous slab
For Sanctioned loads 5 kW & above
A2 General Supply Tariff-Commercial
Sr. No.Tariff Category/ParticularsFixed Charges Rs/KW/MUniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)Nepra Variable Charges Rs/kwhApplicable Variable Charges
Government Subsidy
Fixed Charges Rs/Kw/MVariable Charges Rs/Kw/M
a)Under Tariff A-1, there shall be a minimum monthly customer charge at the following rates even if no energy is consumed.
a) Single Phase connections: Rs. 75/- per consumer per month
b) Three phase connection: Rs.150/- per consumer per month
 19.26 19.0818 1.08
b)For Sanctioned loads less than 5 kW400.0018.01 16.8119.68 -2.87
   PeakOff-PeakPeakOff-PeakPeakOff-Peak PeakOff-Peak
c)Time of Use400.0020.0913.4819.1812.2621.615.63-2.42-3.37
For Sanctioned loads 5 kW & above
A3 General Services
Sr. No.Tariff Category/ParticularsFixed Charges Rs/KW/MUniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)Nepra Variable Charges Rs/kwhApplicable Variable Charges
Government Subsidy
Fixed Charges Rs/Kw/MVariable Charges Rs/Kw/M
a)General Services 17.56 17.617.56 0.04
Under Tariff A-2, there shall be a minimum monthly customer charge at the following rates even if no energy is consumed.
a) single phase connections: Rs. 175/- per consumer per month
b) Three-phase connections: Rs. 350/- per consumer per month
B Industrial Supply Tariff
Sr. No.Tariff Category/ParticularsFixed Charges Rs/KW/MUniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)Nepra Variable Charges Rs/kwhApplicable Variable Charges
Government Subsidy
Fixed Charges Rs/Kw/MVariable Charges Rs/Kw/M
B1 (aUp to 25 kw (at 400/230 volts)18.32 17.5915.28 2.31
B2(a)exceeding 25-500 Kw (at 400 Volts)400.0015.79 14.9514.78 0.17
 Time of Use PeakOff-PeakPeakOff-PeakPeakOff-Peak PeakOff-Peak
B1 (b)Up to 25 kw20.1413.4619.8812.0318.8413.281.04-1.25
B2 (b)exceeding 25-500 Kw (at 400 Volts)400.0019.9313.2319.3512.6418.7813.070.57-0.53
 For All Loads up to 5000 KW(at 11,33 KV)380.0020.3912.6120.5811.6118.7812.981.8-1.37
B4For All Loads (at 66,132 KV & above)360.0020.2713.2520.251218.7812.881.47-0.88
Nepra Variable Charges Rs/kWh
Sr. No.Tariff Category/ParticularsFixed Charges Rs/KW/MUniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)Nepra Variable Charges Rs/kWhApplicable Variable Charges
Government Subsidy
Fixed Charges Rs/Kw/MVariable Charges Rs/Kw/M
C-1For supply at 400/230 Volts         
a)Sanctioned load less than 5 kW21.32 16.2 18.68 -2.48
b)Sanctioned load 5 kW & up to 500 kW40020.13 15.7 18.18 -2.48
C-2(a)For supply at 11,33 kV up to and including 5000 kW38015.61 15.21 17.98 -2.77
C-3(a)For supply at 66 kV & above and sanctioned load above 5000 kW36014.42 13.97 17.88 -3.91
Time Of UsePeakOff PeakPeakOff PeakPeakOff Peak PeakOff-Peak
C-1©For supply at 400/230 Volts 5 kW & up to 500 kW40021.5214.991912.521.615-2.6-2.5
C-2(b)For supply at 11,33 kV up to and including 5000 kW38019.7312.571912.121.614.8-2.6-2.7
C-3(b)For supply at 66 kV & above and sanctioned load above 5000 kW36018.4911.59191221.614.7-2.6-2.7
Sr. No.Tariff Category/ParticularsFixed Charges Rs/KW/MUniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)Under this tariff, there shall be minimum monthly charges Rs. 2000/- per consumer per month, even if no energy is consumed.Note: The consumers having sanctioned loads less than 5 kW can opt for TOU metering.Applicable Variable Charges
Government Subsidy
Fixed Charges Rs/Kw/MVariable Charges Rs/Kw/M
D-1(a)SCARP less than 5 KW 23.17 23.17 15.68 7.49
D-2Agricultural Tube Well200 14.56 14.565.35 9.21
   PeakOff PeakPeakOff PeakPeakOff-Peak PeakOff-Peak
D-1(b)SCARP 5 KW & above20020.8714.032212.0218.611.353.40.67
D-1(b)Agricultural 5 KW & above20020.2713.0420.513.465.355.3515.158.11
Nepra Variable Charges Rs/kWh
Sr. No.Tariff Category/ParticularsFixed Charges Rs/KW/MUniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)For supply of 66 kv & above and having sanctioned load of 20MW & aboveApplicable Variable Charges
Government Subsidy
Fixed Charges Rs/Kw/MVariable Charges Rs/Kw/M
E-1(i)Residential Supply20.84 18.15 20.84-2.69
E-1(ii)Commercial Supply18.39 18.47 18.390.08
E-2Industrial Supply16.36 14.70 16.36-1.66
Note : For the categories of E-1(i&ii) above, the minimum bill of the consumers shall be Rs. 50/- per day subject to a minimum of Rs. 500/- for the entire period of supply, even if no energy is consumed.
F – Seasonal Industrial Supply TARIFF
125% of relevant Industrial Tariff
Note: Tariff F consumers will have the option to convert to regular tariff and vice versa. This option can be exercised at the time of a new connection or at the beginning of the season. Once exercised, the option remains in force for at least one year.
Sr. No.Tariff Category/ParticularsFixed Charges Rs/KW/MUniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)Nepra Variable Charges Rs/kwhApplicable Variable Charges
Government Subsidy
Fixed Charges Rs/Kw/MVariable Charges Rs/Kw/M
 Street  Lighting18.78 19.78 18.68 1.1
Under Tariff-G, there shall be a minimum monthly charge of Rs. 500/- per month per kW of lamp capacity installed.
Sr. No.Tariff Category/ParticularsFixed Charges Rs/KW/MUniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)Nepra Variable Charges Rs/kwhApplicable Variable Charges
Government Subsidy
Fixed Charges Rs/Kw/MVariable Charges Rs/Kw/M
 Residential Colonies attached to industrial premises18.42 20.3918.68 1.71
Sr. No.Tariff Category/ParticularsFixed Charges Rs/KW/MUniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)Nepra Variable Charges Rs/kwhApplicable Variable Charges
Government Subsidy
Fixed Charges Rs/Kw/MVariable Charges Rs/Kw/M
 Railway Traction17.9 17.9 18.68  -0.78
Sr. No.Tariff Category/ParticularsFixed Charges Rs/KW/MUniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)Nepra Variable Charges Rs/kwhApplicable Variable Charges
Government Subsidy
Fixed Charges Rs/Kw/MVariable Charges Rs/Kw/M
J-1For supply of 66 kv & above and having sanctioned load of 20MW & above360.0016.14 11.77 17.88  -6.11
J-2(a)For supply at 11,33 kv380.0016.46 14.1 17.98  -3.88
J-2(b)For supply at 66 kv & above360.0016.36 1417.88  -3.88
J-3(a)For supply at 11,33 kv380.0016.46 14.117.98  -3.88
J-3(b)For supply at 66 kv & above360.0016.36 1417.88  -3.88
 Time of Use PeakOff-PeakPeakOff-PeakPeakOff-Peak PeakOff-Peak
J-1 (b)For supply of 66 kv & above and having sactioned load of 20MW & above36020.6614.3318.6011.6221.6014.70-3.0-3.08
J-2 (c)For supply at 11,33 kv380.0020.6614.4418.6011.7221.6014.80-3.0-3.08
J-2(d)For supply at 66 kv & above360.0020.6614.3318.6011.6221.6014.70-3.0-3.08
J-3(c)For supply at 11,33 kv380.0020.6614.4418.6011.7221.6014.80-3.0-3.08
J-3(d)For supply at 66 kv & above360.0020.6614.3318.6011.6221.6014.70-3.0-3.08

Lesco Electricity Tariffs for Residential Consumers

Lesco offers a tiered pricing structure for residential consumers, where the tariff increases as the electricity consumption rises. The first few units of electricity are charged at a lower rate, commonly referred to as the “slab rates,” while subsequent units fall under higher tariff slabs. This approach incentivizes energy conservation and efficient usage.

To better understand Lesco’s residential tariffs, let’s take a closer look at the various slabs:

Slab 1: Up to 100 Units

For the initial 100 units of electricity consumed, the tariff stands at Rs. X per unit. This lower rate encourages households to keep their energy usage within this range and promotes responsible consumption.

Slab 2: 101-200 Units

Once a residential consumer exceeds the 100-unit threshold, the subsequent 101 to 200 units fall under the second slab. The tariff for this slab is slightly higher than that of the first slab, encouraging users to be mindful of their energy consumption.

Slab 3: 201-300 Units

For electricity consumption falling between 201 and 300 units, the tariff further increases. This is to ensure that higher energy consumption is reflected in the bill, prompting consumers to adopt energy-saving practices.

Slab 4: 301 and Above

Beyond 300 units, Lesco applies the highest tariff slab. This encourages consumers to make conscious efforts to minimize energy waste and choose energy-efficient appliances to reduce their monthly bills.

How can I reduce my electricity bill?

To reduce your electricity bill, you can adopt several energy-saving practices, such as:

  • Switching to energy-efficient appliances
  • Turning off lights and electronics when not in use
  • Utilizing natural lighting and ventilation
  • Insulating your home to reduce heating and cooling requirements
  • Opting for renewable energy sources like solar panels

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the average monthly electricity bill for a residential consumer in Lahore?

The average monthly electricity bill for a residential consumer in Lahore depends on several factors, including the household’s energy consumption habits, the number of occupants, and the types of electrical appliances used. However, an approximate range for a small to medium-sized household would be between Rs. X to Rs. Y.

Are Lesco electricity tariffs the same throughout the year?

No, Lesco electricity tariffs are subject to periodic revisions. These revisions take into account factors such as fuel prices, inflation rates, and changes in the cost of power generation. It is advisable to stay updated with the latest tariff rates through Lesco’s official channels or their website.

Can I switch to a different tariff category if my energy consumption changes?

Yes, Lesco provides the flexibility to switch between tariff categories if your energy consumption patterns change. However, it is essential to inform Lesco and follow the necessary procedures to ensure a smooth transition to the new tariff category.

Are there any subsidies or rebates available for Lesco consumers?

Lesco provides various subsidies and rebates to specific consumer groups, such as agricultural consumers, under government initiatives. These subsidies aim to support economic growth in specific sectors and encourage sustainable development.

What should I do in case of billing discrepancies or issues with Lesco electricity tariffs?

If you encounter any billing discrepancies or have concerns regarding Lesco electricity tariffs, it is advisable to reach out to Lesco’s customer service department. They will guide you through the process of resolving the issue and provide necessary assistance.


Understanding Lesco Electricity Tariffs is crucial for managing your monthly electricity bills effectively. By familiarizing yourself with the different tariff categories, pricing slabs, and energy-saving practices, you can make informed decisions about your energy consumption. Remember, small changes in your daily habits can lead to significant savings in the long run. Stay aware, conserve energy, and contribute to a sustainable future.

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